Revamp your kitchen cabinets with Earthborn Eggshell No.17 - Paint Direct

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Revamp your kitchen cabinets with Earthborn Eggshell No.17

in Interior Painting Tips , Woodcare Tips

July 2023
earthborn eggshell no.17
earthborn paints
kitchen cabinets
kitchen makeover
Revamp your kitchen cabinets with Earthborn Eggshell No.17

If you’re looking to spruce up your home but think it’s out of the question, think again!

The kitchen is often overlooked because of the perceived price of kitchen renovations but there’s an incredible amount you can do with a pot or two of paint.

Sometimes, a fresh coat of paint on the cabinets can breathe new life into the space. One excellent option for cabinet painting is Earthborn Eggshell No. 17. Read on to explore how you can use this high-quality paint to transform your kitchen and give it a stylish, updated look.

Why should you use Earthborn Eggshell No.17 to renovate your kitchen?

When renovating your kitchen, choosing Earthborn Eggshell No.17 for your cabinets is honestly a very wise decision. It’s a high-quality paint that offers a winning combination of durability and easy maintenance. 

With its low-sheen eggshell finish, it not only provides a sophisticated look but also resists stains and can be effortlessly wiped clean, perfect for the demanding environment of a kitchen. 

In addition, Earthborn Eggshell No.17 is a breathable paint, allowing the wood to naturally expand and contract, which is perfect for a room that’s prone to frequent temperature changes thus protecting your cabinets from potential damage and ensuring their longevity. By opting for Earthborn Eggshell No.17, you can renovate your kitchen with confidence, knowing that you've chosen a paint that combines style, durability, and practicality!

Now, for the fun part - renovating your kitchen cabinets!

Prep and Clean

If you've read any of our other blogs, you'll know how important prep work is - therefore, before undertaking any painting project you’ve got to prepare as thorough preparation is essential for a professional-looking finish. Start by removing all cabinet hardware and cleaning the surfaces to remove grease, grime, and any residue that may affect paint adhesion. In this instance, Earthborn Eggshell No. 17 adheres best to clean, dry, and properly primed surfaces.

Painting the cabinets

Prep and Prime

If your cabinets have an existing finish, lighly sand them to create a smooth surface and reomve any gloss. Apply a suitable primer (such as Earthborn Multi Purpose Primer) to enhance adhesion and create a solid base for the paint.


Apply Earthborn Eggshell No. 17 using a high-quality brush or roller, apply the paint evenly in thin coats, following the wood grain. Allow each coat to dry thoroughly before applying the next. Two coats are usually sufficient for a flawless, opaque finish.

Finishing touches

Once the paint has fully dried, reinstall the cabinet hardware, ensuring everything is aligned properly. Then, most importantly, pop the kettle on, stand back and admire your beautifully transformed kitchen!

See, renovating your kitchen wasn't that hard! Opting to revitalise your kitchen cabinets with a fresh coat of Eggshell No. 17 can have a significant impact on the overall look and feel of your kitchen. The durability, ease of cleaning, and stunning colour range make it an ideal choice for transforming your cabinets. So, get ready to enjoy a stylish and updated kitchen space with this high-quality paint!

Shop Earthborn Eggshell No.17 now!