Stripping paint from your banisters - Paint Direct

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Stripping paint from your banisters

September 2022
interior decoration
zinsser bin
Stripping paint from your banisters

Stripping paint from your banisters is one of the best ways to prepare them for a fresh coat of paint, especially if you’re planning on using a less than forgiving finish.

Follow this guide to successfully strip paint from your banisters.

As with all projects, preparation is key. As you’ll be using chemicals, you’ll want to protect your surrounding areas, as well as yourself.

To protect your floors and carpet, place some dust sheets or carpet on the floor, and affix into place using masking tape to ensure that they don’t shift whilst you’re working. 

As for yourself, you should wear black butyl or green nitrile rubber gloves to protect your fingers from the particularly potent liquid, as well as some safety glasses to protect your eyes in the event of dropping the bottle or having paint flakes flick in your eyes.


Stripping the paint

At Paint Direct, Blackfriar Paint and Varnish Remover is very popular amongst our customers for this purpose.

All you need to do is simply apply a thick coat by with a paint brush, being mindful with your application by not overspreading. 

In just minutes, the paint should blister and lift, leaving you to finish the process with a scraper or some wire wool.

It’s worth noting, if you’re stripping paint from a thicker build up, the surface may require extra applications every 30 minutes until the original surface is visible once more.

Best part of using Blackfriar’s Paint and Varnish Remover?

You’ll only have to wash the surface after stripping if you plan on repainiting or re-varnishing with a water based product... What a win!


Now that you’ve got a perfect surface for painting, tap here for some expert advice on painting your banisters!